Support Group Leader Training Central
Welcome to the RfR Support Group Leader program! This is the first part of your training as you learn about RfR and how to best serve the folks who join us in the support group meetings. Your task is to review the five (5) videos below at your own pace and to complete the comprehension test at the bottom of this page. Once the test has been submitted, you've completed the first part of your training!
Training video #1 - Welcome
Training video #2 - Group Dynamics
Training Video #3 - Listening Skills
Training video #4 - Roadblocks to Effective Listening and Communicating
Training video #5 - Encouraging an Action Plan, Handling Difficult Group Members, and Self-Care
Support Groups Leader Training Verification
Hi there!
We've created these questions to verify that you've completed all the training videos and read through the policy Manual (all training materials are located on the #volunteertraining channel on the Support Groups Team).
You're free to access and review the training materials while you answer the questions below.
When you hit submit, your answers will go to our volunteer manager for review. Our volunteer manager will then send you an email letting you know you are ready to launch your Support Group. Please don’t begin until you are cleared by the volunteer manager.